Thursday 16th May 2024, 6:3opm

Book of Memories

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16 entries.
Mary Carroll
I was so sad to see Rev Jim’s name on the list for prayers and shocked to learn that he had died at such a young age. We met years ago, through the then Diocesan Race Relations Committee. Jim was not only passionate about race relations but about all human relationships. He was a truly ‘catholic’ priest with a very small ‘c’. A gentle, generous and loving human being. The choirs of angels would be out in force to welcome him home. There are a few fellas up there Jim will be able to enjoy a round of golf with, Eugene McG and Pat K to name but two. Enjoy heaven, you certainly gave us more than an inkling of what it would be like.
Margaret Miller
What a very special person Fr Jim was,he left us with so many wonderful memories,our parish of St Aelreds was very blessed to have had him as our parish priest for 15 years,you will be greatly missed,rest in peace Fr Jim
Kath Martin
A warm and charismatic character, full of life and laughter and always able to make me laugh at his jokes, even in church. I remember our many chats and impromptu calls to the house with great fondness. Fr. Jim’s kindness and care toward my sister and our family when she was suffering was outstanding and a comfort to us all. My work in the hospital made me cross paths with Fr Jim on many occasions as he went about visiting those in need of care or a chat. Fr.Jim, I hope there was a sweetie bowl at the entrance to Heaven, so that you could steal away with one. Forever rest in peace with our love and admiration. Kath, Sydney, Australia.
margaret mccarthy
rest in peace fr.leavy your work on earth is done and done well
Mr Michael John lawn
He was a hood preist and buried my when he passed away was very cold inside bit always happy and jolly and always greeting and welcoming
Paula Brooks
Fr Jim was a very special man. I feel very grateful to have known him and to have had his gentle ministry surrounding us as a family. I hope he knows what an impact he had on those who met him. He taught me that gentleness and care can be powerful.
Thank you Fr Jim. RIP
Val Garrett
Father Jim was a remarkable, amazing and the most wonderful human being you could ever meet in your lifetime. As a Parish Priest he was one of the best. He served as the Parish Priest at the Holy Rosary for just over 10 years and the sadness when it was his time to move on was devastating. He had done amazing
work especially in drawing youngsters back into the church. He revived the whole Parish.
RIP (you will never be forgotten).
Margaret Langstaff
Thank you Father for your true ministry.My late mother Margaret Garrett loved and respected you at the Holy Rosary and then we were privileged to have you at St Paul’s.You visited regularly and gave great comfort to us when we lost our dear sister Mary.Rest peacefully.
Maria Resnick
Fr Jim was a kind and gentle soul. I have fond memories of him popping round to my family’s home for a chat in the evenings. He sometimes joined us for dinner or would time it even better to arrive just in time for dessert. His Irish charm and warm smile meant that we would somehow end up agreeing to take part in Mass that week - but also because we would not want to let him down. He gave so much to his community and he will be dearly missed.
Rest in peace, Fr Jim, until we meet again.
Noeleen Walshe
Sincere sympathy to Eddie, Larry and the extended Leavy and Farrell families on the death of your dear brother. He was an inspiration to all who knew him. He will be remembered by his parishioners with gratitude. One can see from this evening’s mass that he was a man dedicated to his work in the community. At Dheis Dé go raibh a anam dhilís.
Jordan Barker
Father Jim,

Thank you for your kindness, warm smile, and unwavering dedication to your faith. It was always great to have a quick chat on your love for Leeds United too. May your memory be a blessing.

Berenice Lunn & Christian Lunn
Thank you for your many years of diligent service to us as a community & family
& my parents when you were at St Paul the apostle alWoodley Leeds
With thanks love light & peace
God bless
Trisha Arblaster
RIP Fr James. A friendly, kind soul with a lively intellect and the personal touch. He always made me feel an instant part of the community when visiting from Australia.
Jimmy Mathai
A great friend from the moment we met, a great priest, Fr Jim was very close to all who met him. In his presence you see life in its most simplicity. He wore a charming smile which will melt away the complex problems you have in you. So sad to miss you. You will live in our memories as long as we last. Rest in peace my friend 🙏
Sijimol Anish

We love you a lot.We will miss you a lot.please continue to pray for us in Heaven Thank you for everything you did for my family.
Anish Sijimol
Fr.Jim has a major part in our life since we moved to Harrogate in 2009.Fr Jim was always there for us.There was a lot of cherishing memories with Fr.Jim.we celebrated my wife's birthday last year with Fr.Jim .we are very sure that Fr.Jim will be a patron for all of us in Heaven.

Donations received in memory of Fr. James will help to support the work of Parkinsons UK

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